TODAY IS Wednesday, 15. January, 2025, 9:01 PM
Library 2
Nanotoxicology: Experimental and Computational Perspectives (book)
Chapter 11: Computational Modelling of Biological Responses to Engineered Nanomaterials
Authors: Philip Doganis, Georgia Tsiliki, Georgios Drak
Research Article
A data fusion pipeline for generating and enriching Adverse Outcome Pathway descriptions
Penny Nymark1,2, Linda Rieswijk3,4, Friederike Ehrhart3, Nina Jeliazkova5, Georgia Tsiliki6.7, Haralambo
Research Article
toxFlow: a Web-Based Application for Read-Across Toxicity Prediction using Omics and Physicochemical Data
Dimitra Danai Varsou1, Penny Nymark2,3, Pekka Kohonen2,3, Roland Grafström2,3, Haralamb
Research Article
Enriching Nanomaterials Omics Data: An Integration Technique to Generate Biological Descriptors
Georgia Tsiliki1, Penny Nymark2,3, Pekka Kohonen2,3, Roland Grafström2,3, Haralambos Sarimveis1
Answering scientific questions with linked European nanosafety data
Egon Willighagen, Maastricht Universitry
(one-click on the image bellow and scroll down to see the full presentation)
Access, use and functionalities of eNanoMapper infrastructure
Virtual presentation held on Monday, 5 December 2016, with Andrej Kobe (European Commission, DG Environment / Sustainable chemicals Unit), presentin
Jaqpot Quattro User Interface Tutorial - Experimental design, Interlaboratory comparison and Read acrossTutorial Authors: Georgios Drakakis, C. Chomenidis, G. Tsiliki, E. Anagnostopoulou, P. Doganis, H. Sarimve
Modelling Services: Experimental Design, Interlaboratory Testing, Read-Across - Video Tutorial
Tutorial Authors: Georgios Drakakis, Georgia Tsiliki, Hampos Chomenidis, Evangelia Anagnostopoulou, Haralambos Sari
How to reproduce validation results of nano-lazar-paper
Authors: Christoph Helma, Micha Rautenberg, Denis Gebele, in silico toxicology gmbh.
Source code for nano-lazar publication (and oral presentations).
Create and use lazar nanoparticle models
Ruby libraries for the lazar framework
Authors: Christoph Helma, Micha Rautenberg, Denis Gebele, in silico toxicology gmbh.
lazar depends on a couple
Answering scientific questions with linked European nanosafety data
Egon Willighagen, Micha Rautenberg, Denis Gebele, Linda Rieswijk, Friederike Ehrhart, Jiakang Chang, Georgios Drakakis, Penny Nymark, Pekka
eNanoMapper database, search tools and templates
Nina Jeliazkova, Nikolay Kochev, IdeaConsult Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria
(one-click on the image bellow and scroll down to see the full presentation)
Validation of read across predictions for nanoparticle toxicities
Christoph Helma1, Micha Rautenberg1, Denis Gebele1
1in silico toxicology gmbh, Basel, Switzerland
We validate lazar read across models for nanop
Create DataSet, Train a Model, Make a Prediction, Validate (split, cross or external)
JaqPot Quattro is a web application for computational modelling of nanomaterials and is being developed in the context of th
How to use the JaqPot Quattro User Interface to create and validate NanoQSAR models
Authors: Georgios Drakakis, C. Chomenidis, G. Tsiliki, E. Anagnostopoulou, P. Doganis, H. Sarimveis, The National Technical Un
How to use all available functionalities of the JaqPot Quattro web application
Authors: Georgios Drakakis, C. Chomenidis, G. Tsiliki, E. Anagnostopoulou, P. Doganis, H. Sarimveis, The National Technical Univers
The dictionary includes a collection of terms and abbreviations often used in the context of the eNanoMapper project, but also terms that are generally used in areas like nanaosafety, data management or computa
How to use the Pathway module of for pathway analysis of microarray data
Authors: Friederike Ehrhart, Lars Eijssen, Anwesha Bohler, Linda Rieswijk, Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University), Pe
Creating biological pathways for WikiPathways using PathVisio
Authors: Friederike Ehrhart, Martina Summer-Kutmon, Egon Willighagen, Kristina Hanspers, Alexander Pico, Linda Rieswijk (Maastricht University), Pen
How to use the statistics module of for statistics analysis of microarray data
Authors: Friederike Ehrhart, Lars Eijssen, Anwesha Bohler, Linda Rieswijk, Egon Willighagen (Maastricht Universit
How to use the AffyQC web tool of for quality control and pre-processing of Affymetrix microarray data
Authors: Friederike Ehrhart, Lars Eijssen, Anwesha Bohler, Linda Rieswijk, Egon Willighag
How to Use Chipster for Bioinformatics Analysis of Nanomaterial-Based Omics Data
Authors: Penny Nymark (Misvik Biology), Friederike Ehrhart and Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University), Eija Korpelainen (CSC -
Entering and Analysing Nano Safety Data
Authors: Nina Jeliazkova (Idea Consult), Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University)
The goal of this workshop is to make the participants familiar with the eNa
Browsing the eNM ontology with BioPortal, AberOWL and Protégé
Authors: Linda Rieswijk, Friederike Ehrhart and Egon Willighagen, Maastricht University
The field of engineered nanomaterials is expone
Ontology, database and tools for nanomaterial safety evaluation
Friederike Ehrhart1, L Rieswijk1, CT Evelo1, H Sarimveis2, P Doganis2, G Drakakis2, B Fadeel3, B Hardy4, J Hastings5, C Helma6, N Jeliazkova7, V
eNanoMapper: enabling systems biology for nanosafety
E. Willighagen1, F. Ehrhart1, L. Rieswijk1, B. Smeets4, C. Evelo1
1Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT, Maastricht University, UNS 50 Box 19, Maastricht, 6
Enriching protein corona fingerprints using gene ontology information: an integration technique
Presented by
Georgia Tsiliki, NTUA
(The National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
29th October 2015, 4 PM
eNanoMapper - A Database and Ontology Framework for Nanomaterials Design and Safety Assessment
OpenTox Euro 2015 Meeting, UCD, Dublin, Ireland, 1 October 2015 Presented by Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect) as Coord
Research Article
Proteomics Analysis Reveals Distinct Corona Composition on Magnetic Nanoparticles with Different Surface Coatings: Implications for Interactions with Primary Human Macrophages
Carmen Vogt1, Ma
Image descriptor calculation web tool
Authors: Philip Doganis, Marios Kotsiandris, NTUA
The images taken by Electron or Fluorescence microscopy are valuable sources of information that depict the a
RRegrs: Package Tutorial
Authors: Georgia Tsiliki, Cristian R. Munteanu, Jose A. Seoane, Carlos Fernandez-Lozano, Haralambos Sarimveis, Egon L. Willighagen
July 19, 2015
RRegrs is a collection of R
RRegrs: an R package for computer-aided model selection with multiple regression models
Georgia Tsiliki1 †, Cristian R. Munteanu2,3 †, Jose A. Seoane4, Carlos Fernandez-Lozano2, Haralambos Sarimveis1 and Egon L
Keeping it real: The importance of material characterization in nanotoxicology
Bengt Fadeela, Andrea Fornarab, Muhammet S. Toprakc, Kunal Bhattacharyaa
aDivision of Molecular Toxicology, Institute of Environm
The eNanoMapper database for nanomaterial safety information: storage and query
Nina Jeliazkova1, Nikolay Kochev2, David Vorgrimmler3, Janna Hastings4, Vedrin Jeliazkov1
1Ideaconsult Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Univ
POSTER: How to store nanomaterial safety data: meet eNanoMapper database
Nikolay T. Kocheva,c, Roland Grafströmb, Nina Jeliazkovac
a ) University of Plovdiv, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Computer Chem
The first eNanoMapper prototype: a substance database to support safe-by-design
Nina Jeliazkova1, Philip Doganis2, Bengt Fadeel3, Roland Grafström3,4, Janna Hastings5, Vedrin Jeliazkov1, Pekka Kohonen3, Cristia
The eNanoMapper database for nanomaterial safety information
Nina Jeliazkova1, Charalampos Chomenidis2, Philip Doganis2, Bengt Fadeel3, Roland Grafström3, Barry Hardy4, Janna Hastings5, Markus Hegi4, Vedrin Jel
Cancer Biology, Toxicology and Alternative Methods Development Go Hand-in-Hand
Pekka Kohonen1, Rebecca Ceder1, Ines Smit1, Vesa Hongisto2, Glenn Myatt3, Barry Hardy4, Ola Spjuth4,5 and Roland Grafström1,2
A Database and Ontology Framework for Nanomaterials Design and Safety Assessment ACS
ACS Meeting, Boston, USA, 18 August 2015 Presented by Barry Hardy (Douglas Connect) as Coordinator and in representation of w
Using the eNanoMapper ontology
Presented by
Janna Hastings (EMBL-EBI, UK)
25th June 2015, 3 PM (Central European Time) / 9 AM (US Eastern Time)
You can download slides by Janna Hastings >> here <
Nanomaterial data visualization with ambit.js and d3.js
Presented by
Egon Willighagen (Maastricht University) and
Nina Jeliazkova (IDEAconsult Ltd.)
18th May 2015, 5 PM (Central European Time) / 11 AM (US
eNanoMapper: Harnessing ontologies to enable data integration for nanomaterial risk assessment
You can see the full paper by >>clicking on this link<<.
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are b
A substance database to support a safe innovation approach
Presented by Nina Jeliazkova (Ideaconsult Ltd.)
You can download slides by >>clicking on this link<<.
The webinar presents the first proto
Nano Safety Cluster Meeting - Antalya, Turkey
by: Barry Hardy
Modular infrastructure for data storage, sharing and searching, based on open standards and semantic web technologies, minimu
into an Open Linked Data Platform for Drug Discovery
by: Joerg K. Wegner, Aaron Sterling, Rajarshi Guha, Andreas Bender, Jean L. Faulon, Janna Hastings, Noel O'Boyle, John Overington, Herman Van
The Chemical Information Ontology:
Provenance and Disambiguation for Chemical Data on the Biological Semantic Web
by: Janna Hastings, Leonid Chepelev, Egon Willighagen, Nico Adams, Christoph Steinbeck, Michel D
AMBIT RESTful web services:
An implementation of the OpenTox application programming interface
by: Nina Jeliazkova, Vedrin Jeliazkov
The AMBIT web services package is one of the several existing indepe
Collaborative development
of predictive toxicology applications
by: Barry Hardy, Nicki Douglas, Christoph Helma, Micha Rautenberg, Nina Jeliazkova, Vedrin Jeliazkov, Ivelina Nikolova, Romualdo Benigni, Olga Tch
Incorporating Commercial and Private Data
into an Open Linked Data Platform for Drug Discovery
by: Carole Goble, AlasdairJ Gray, Lee Harland, Karen Karapetyan, Antonis Loizou, Ivan Mikhailov, Yrjänä Rankka, Ste
A Survey of Quantitative Descriptions
of Molecular Structure
by: Rajarshi Guha, Egon Willighagen
Numerical characterization of molecular structure is a first step in many computational analysis of chem
The Chemistry
Development Kit (CDK)
An Open-Source Java Library for Chemo- and Bioinformatics by: C. Steinbeck, Y. Han, S. Kuhn, O. Horlacher, E. Luttmann, E. Willighagen
The Chemistry Development Kit
The ToxBank Data Warehouse:
Supporting the Replacement of In Vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing
by: Pekka Kohonen, Emilio Benfenati, David Bower, Rebecca Ceder, Michael Crump, Kevin Cross, Roland C. G
Nano Technology Community Outreach
D1.1 Requirements Analysis and Systems DesignD1.2 Use Cases and Test SuiteD1.3 Sustainability PlanD1.4 User GuidanceD1.5 Evaluation
Ontology Development for Nano Safety Domain
D2.1 Framework and Infrastructure for Ontology development, versioning and disseminationD2.2 Ontology Content Types and Existing Community efforts
Database development and implementation
D3.1 Technical Specification and initial implementation of the protocol and data management web servicesD3.2 Data Management System with extended sear
Analysis & Modelling
D4.1 Analysis and Modelling SpecificationsD4.2 Descriptor Calculation Algorithms and MethodsD4.3 nQSAR Modelling infrastructureD4.4 Mechanism-ofaction Modelling Tool
User Application Development, Integration and Testing
D5.1 Integrated Issue Management and Testing systemD5.2 User registration, authentication and authorisationD5.3 User application for imp
Dissemination & Training
D6.1 eNanoMapper Year 1 Dissemination ReportD6.2 eNanoMapper Year 2 Dissemination ReportD6.3 eNanoMapper TutorialsD6.4 eNanoMapper Community Development ReportD6
D7.1 Kick-Off MeetingD7.2 Year 1 MeetingD7.3 First Annual Technical and Financial ReportD7.4 Review MeetingD7.5 Year 2 MeetingD7.6 Second Annual Technical and Financial ReportD7.7